Let the games begin! On May 4th, Blossom Athletic Center hosted the annual NEISD Special Olympics. Schools from all over the district came to participate in this exciting event. With over 500 Olympians competing, the field at Blossom overflowed with excitement and cheer. Coach Timber was the the head of the pack, leading and organizing this event with help from NEISD Pals and helpful volunteers. Coach Timber was the go to lady for advice and help. She sat down to talk with all volunteers and PALs to descise and strategize how to attack this huge event. Also, different NEISD High School cheerleaders came to cheer on Olympians. We got the spirit covered by the cheerleaders, the stations covered by the volunteers and PALs; so what’s missing?
The Olympians pulled up in VIP style. Having a to run through a tunnel of people cheering them on, our olypmians lit up with happiness. The Eisenhower Middle School Band welcomed our special olympians with a festive tune. We preceded with the opening ceremony and Superintendent Gottardy graced us with his prescence and inspirstional words of encouragment.
Now the games began with a gun fire in the air. Mac Olympians did not let the competion or the heat get the best of them. They had a mission to be successful, and they accomlished it with a competitive, yet fun spirit.
Sarah Morales • May 23, 2012 at 3:39 pm
It’s really nice to see students doing stuff like this 🙂
Kara • May 22, 2012 at 5:25 pm
PALS, do a great job when going out with our special kids. Their enthusiasm is inspiring and catching. We need more high school kids to be like the PALS GROUP.