Student filling out scantron. Photo credited to blog.ctnews.com

MacArthur Students Take the PSAT
PSAT testing is upon us.
Sophomores and juniors will take the PSAT on Wed. Oct. 17. The test is roughly three hours and covers math and English. As students worry about grades and after school activities, the upcoming PSAT adds on to student’s stressful lives.
Sophomores are greeted with a new test and the onset of concerns.
“Not doing so well as I think I would [worries me],” Rachel Gornitz (10) said.
On Sat. Oct. 6 the counseling department held a PSAT workshop to prepare students for the PSAT.
“I had known some of the stuff earlier, but I think it did [help] for those who didn’t know,” Gornitz said. “It’s just new techniques.”
Students should not leave it to the teachers to prepare them, but take their own initiatives. There are many resources that can help them.
“I have a PSAT workbook at home,” Kye White (11) said. “I review the problems and go through strategies to help me.”
Juniors are reunited with the PSAT. They have the most experience, of PSAT testers, after taking it their sophomore year.
“I think it helped me kind of see what the problems will be like and know how much time I’m going to have,” White said.
Side note: Remember to get a good night sleep on Tues. Review your math and English skills prior to the test. Also, eat a big breakfast Wed. morning.