The excitement that pulsated through the crowd at Brahma March and the ecstatic fun at Homecoming flowed through each event perfectly. Everyone that participated went home pleased with the activities and happenings of the night, which appeared to fall together effortlessly. Little thought from participants goes into how the event was planned and few care if an incident were to occur, but for the students in Student Council every detail is crucial and any chance of mistake must be implausible.

The various committees that make up StuCo work all year long to make sure the events they host run smoothly and the students enjoy themselves.
“It can be frustrating at times, planning something so big, but it’s really rewarding at the end,” president Sarah Smith (12) said.
Year after year StuCo make sure everything is immaculate for events such as Powderpuff, the senior vs. junior girl football game, and General MacArthur’s birthday where, during lunch periods cake is available and dye-cuts, pieces of paper with everyones name and birthday written on it, are hung up on the walls.
“General MacArthur’s birthday is on the 26th, which is a Saturday, so we are celebrating it on the 25th,” Smith said.
While everyone assumes student council only hosts school events, the different committees such as Dash the Drug and Alcohol Safety Health committee, the Energy and Environment Committee, and the Pride and Patriotism committee focus on so much more.
Currently the committees are dedicating themselves to some big projects such as Kick Out Cancer, the soccer game against Lee on February 19th, where t-shirts and paper chain links are sold to help raise money which will then be donated to American Cancer Association.
“We link our construction paper chains and Lee’s at half-time,” Smith said, “Then we present a big check to the Association. Last year we did the Lanoux family. Cindy Lanoux was a teacher here at Mac who passed away from cancer, so there was a fund created for her children.”
The Energy and Environment committee is currently trying to start a project to make the portables more energy efficient as well as promote environment friendly energy sources such as solar and wind energy. While this happens the Pride and Patriotism committee focuses their attention on Black History Month for February, and is even planning some theme days the week before spring break.
“There will be like a lazy day, beach day, camp day, stuff that people do over spring break,” Smith said.
With all the events and projects taking place Student Council not only works to keep the students entertained, and thank the teachers for their hard work through the Teacher Appreciation committee, but they, like most everything else, compete.
“All the student councils get ranked,” vice president Patricia Trevino(12) said, “We get awards by the projects that we’ve done, and get a certain amount of points depending on how it impacts the school.”
With student council focusing on the projects ahead and hoping the students enjoy it, they also hope to rack up points so they can qualify for State.
Luckily, this year they have an advantage that they didn’t have last year. The size of the council almost doubled, meaning more committees and bigger projects, which will eventually collect more points for them. Soon they will find out whether they qualify for state or not.
However, now they will remain fixated on raising school spirit and making events boisterous.