Do’s and Don’ts for what to wear with this bi-polar Texas weather?
One day it’s cold and one day it’s hot and humid….
For hot days the best thing to wear is Nike shorts, cute t-shirt and some tennis shoes or slides, whichever you prefer. The number one thing for girls to wear is small little “booty shorts” with Uggs or some type of boot. If its hot and you want to dress up wear a cute appropriate length dress, Or short Capri’s with a nice blouse , and nice sandals.
For cold days there’s always yoga pants, wind pants, leggings, sweats, and plain old blue jeans, with a simple long sleeve or t-shirt. Shoes really doesn’t matter unless it’s small little sandals, because if not you could end up looking funny when its freezing and your shrilled up toes are popping out of your shoes.
Chucks, Free Runs, Vans, and any shoe that covers your feet.
Rainy days are not to frequent, but if there is one wear anything that you don’t mind being in after you are wet, and that will dry fast.
Your hair is very important to.
For hot and humid days a cute side pony or braid would be best unless your one of those miracle hair girls that there fantastic hair stays straight no matter what.For cold weather anything works especially having your hair straight or curly, because there is no humidity or sweat to make your hair flat or static.For rainy days wear your hair up in a messy bun or in a ponytail, out of your way and no worries about frizzy, wet hair.