Once a year, the sophomore and junior classes take the PSAT, a test that helps students prepare for future college entry tests and that helps juniors possibly qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. The test took place this past Wednedsay, October 16.
“On a scale of 1-10 I think the test was a 6,” Tina Roha, 11, said. “There was a good amount of questions that made you think but there were also some that weren’t too hard.”
Several classes spent the last couple of weeks trying to study for the test, some more than others.
“I felt like in English we did enough to help prepare me, like studying vocabulary words,” Roha said. “But I felt like in math we did hardly anything to prepare,” Roha said.
Being well prepared for the PSAT is in the hands of the students more than anyone else.
“I could have studied more outside of school,” Roha said. “I should have gone onto collegeboard.org and looked at all of the material that they offer.”
After taking the PSAT junior year, the SAT comes next.
“I feel ready to take the SAT because I feel like I did well on the PSAT,” Roha said. “I’ll just be sure to study harder for it.”
All of the students who participated in testing will receive their results in December 2013.