Our plates are covered with heaping piles of advanced classes, sprinkles of extracurriculars, smothered in homework,and sometimes with a dash of sports thrown in there just to add more flavor.
Balancing all these activities takes talent and commitment that not everyone is willing to give, so the students that do have true dedication to what they are doing are a small majority. Clarissa Cupit, 11, has homework almost every night because of her five advanced classes, and she still manages to make time for her duties as secretary of FBLA.
The time that it takes students to get all this work done often interferes with their sleep schedules. Those who are involved in all these activities often feel sleep deprived, which adds to their stress levels, and in turn affects their work in the classes.
- As stated before, a majority of students who are involved in advanced classes are not in just one class. With this in mind, teachers should try and put themselves in the students situation. This would help them realize the amount of stress they are under, which will make them reconsider the amount of work they dish out. This is not to say that all teachers assign work without thinking of the students. Many teachers understand and have sympathy for students work load, however not all of them are that considerate.
If teachers were to communicate with each other to make sure the student’s work load is kept reasonable, they might actually have more time to relax and be able to absorb more in all of their classes.