To share the holiday spirit with the community, Choir will host their annual Holiday Concert on Dec. 10, at 7pm, in the Brady Memorial Auditorium.
All of the choir ensembles will perform at this festive concert. As special guests, the Varsity Symphony Orchestra will perform with the Concert Chorale (Varsity Mixed Choir) at the concert. Continuing the tradition shared between choir and orchestra, the orchestra will play the Hallelujah Chorus while the choir sings it.
All of the choir ensembles will perform at this festive concert. As special guests, the Varsity Symphony Orchestra will perform with the Concert Chorale (Varsity Mixed Choir) at the concert. Continuing the tradition shared between choir and orchestra, the orchestra will accompany the Choir in the Hallelujah Chorus.
This year, the Concert Chorale will also sing as special guests with the Varsity Symphony Orchestra at the Orchestra concert on Dec. 9 at 7pm in the Brady Memorial Auditorium. Admission is free to both concerts and everyone is welcome to attend.