During a recent discipline assembly how much students jaywalk on MacArthur View was discussed and how it has increased from past years.
Jaywalking on MacArthur View should be taken more seriously.
When students jaywalk they are putting themselves at risk. Crossing the street randomly, especially with before and after school traffic, is dangerous. We have a crosswalk that is easily accessible so that students can stay out of harm’s way. When students are jaywalking they usually aren’t paying close enough attention to oncoming traffic.
Not only are students who jaywalk putting themselves in danger, they are also endangering the lives of drivers as well. A student randomly crossing the street could easily make a driver wreck their vehicle trying to avoid them. Besides being a hazard, it’s frustrating to drivers when students don’t use designated crosswalks.
Finally, jaywalking is unreasonable and unnecessary when we could simply use a crosswalk. There are designated crosswalks for a reason.
Although jaywalking can be much faster than going to the nearest crosswalk it is still unsafe and against the law.
At the next discipline assembly administration should emphasize that jaywalking is a problem by explaining how it can be very bothersome, how it could have negative consequences, and how jaywalking is unnecessary when we already have crosswalks. We should have announcements in the mornings to remind students to use the crosswalk right in front of the school. It will allow students to understand how dangerous jaywalking is and convince more students to use the appropriate crosswalks.