In honor of the lives lost during the Paris Attack, art work from the French classes were arranged into the French flag and put on to Mrs. Plantenga’s window and door on November 16th.
“We all watched the attacks on Paris on the news Friday night,” French teacher Mrs.Plantenga said. “During the weekend I thought about it and wanted to come up with a way for us to process what we saw and let the community know we care.”
Many of the students modeled their drawings after the Peace for Paris art made by Jean Jullien.

“I drew the Eiffel tower inside the peace sign for my drawing,” Freshman Keegan McNeel said. “I feel like it just represents peace and I’m just praying for peace in Paris.”
The attack on Paris has been surprising, saddening and angering for many, including students.
“I feel sad for the people in Paris and Paris in general,” Freshman Sophia Ciaravino said. “It makes me angry because I feel like it just didn’t need to happen.”
Though Paris suffered from the attacks people from all of over the world, especially France, remain hopeful.
“I was shocked, angry and sad when I saw what happened,” French exchange student Oceance Roux said. “I was very surprised that the whole world would care so much and I was just like that’s amazing that France is getting so much support in this hard time.”