Health Science teacher Mr. Albert Luna, runs a health and lifestyle blog outside of school to bring what he teaches in the classroom to a larger group.
“I run a blog called naturopathic earth,” Mr. Luna said. “Naturopathy is the science in which you believe that natural remedies, clean eating, good sleep, and herbs can cure and prevent most minor maladies.”
Naturopathic Earth, the blog, promotes those beliefs and more through different forms of media, including podcasts available on iTunes.
“It’s a blog, so there’s articles, food recipes, essential oil recipes, and three podcasts,” Mr. Luna said. “It promotes natural living and tends to be against the use of big pharmaceutical drugs for minor conditions.”
His first podcast is called Naturopathy Earth Radio and currently has 110 episodes.
“Most of them have to do with natural remedies and natural antibiotics,” Mr. Luna said. “It also exposes different cancer causers in our food and house.”
The second podcast is called Katopathacary and is focused on essential oils and their uses.
“We go through lavender and frankincense for example, and talk about the different ways it can improve your health,” Mr. Luna said.
His last podcast is called Confessions of an Obese Child and is based off of his childhood and struggles with obesity.
“That podcast is more about incidents that occurred to me as a child, such as bullying,” Mr. Luna said. “That is a website where overweight people come and and we talk about food addictions and emotional eating.’’
He started his blog to educate more people and has plans to continue with the podcasts as well as write a book.
“I don’t think most people know about all the different things affecting your health,” Mr. Luna said. “I hope people will stop using common toxins that can be found in their everyday life.”