To a teenager, social media is an important part of life. Every like, comment, share, is a little boost in popularity. It’s no surprise that social media started to leak into school life as well.
Students started to create school-based social media accounts relating to any and every little detail of school. Soon students began to see their Instagram pages filled with MacArthur inspired accounts such as “macarthur shoes” and “macarthur sleep”.
“I found it funny, and I wanted to do one myself,” sophomore Trinity Elizondo said. “People were talking about getting on the ‘macarthur sleep’ account and things like that so I decided to make ‘macarthur shoes’.”
Some controversy began around these accounts as accounts such as “macarthur confessions” and “macarthur rumors”, but most concerning is “mac fat people”.
“We have a group chat, and whenever we see a page that isn’t okay we band together and try to take it down,” sophomore Cydnee Thomas said.
These accounts all started resharing stories to try and get the account banned or at least taken down.
“We try to spread positivity,” Thomas said. “My account (mhs._.lovers_) is based on couples, but whenever somhttp://jea.org/eone asks to have a picture taken down, I always take it down right away. I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.”
While many of these accounts seem to be harmless fun, they can quickly become dangerous with the amount of information being shared online. Some students who are running more of the controversial accounts are starting to be called down to the office and called out by their peers. It seems that this trend, like all the others, constantly sweeping through our generation, is starting to fade back into obscurity.