On rapper Luckis 2 Neptune n Back tour he performed at The Paper Tiger with opening acts Sid Shyne and Rich Amiri. The concert started at 7 p.m. and ended around 10 p.m.
Rich Amiri performed forty minutes after the concert was set to start after one of the DJs played music to get everyone excited.
Sid Shyne performed around 8 p.m. after Rich Amiri left the stage and a different DJ did the same as the previous one, keeping everyone excited as well as tiring the crowd out.
Lucki came out on stage around 9 p.m. performing “Me Myself & I” and performed songs he just released “New Drank,” “Super Urus” and “MEET ME THERE.” After a fan grabbed his stomach moments after he got on stage he spit on them and continued performing before stopping to tell the person off. He then performed songs from his recent album “WAKE UP LUCKI.” He performed songs from his older albums as well, like “All in,” “2 of you (hearts),” “Unlimited,” “More than ever” and more. He even performed an unreleased song he hadn’t played for any of the other concerts.
It was a really fun time and the atmosphere was great. There was lots of singing along and mosh pits. The DJ played songs everyone knew and loved, keeping everyone excited before Lucki came out. Lucki looked really happy and he was honestly, adorable. I was so glad to hear some of my favorite lines from his songs live. I was really excited to see my favorite artist and he didn’t disappoint at all.