Fine arts is something that you can find in every high school, it’s an essential part of the lives of so many students. One of the most well-known fine art is band, when you go to a pep rally or a football game, the band is always there performing. Right now, band is in UIL contest season, and on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2022, they won Sweepstakes at their UIL competition. This is the highest honor you can earn at UIL, and now they are moving on to the next level there is, Area. With luck, they will go on to earn more victories and show other schools was MacArthur is all about.
There is a lot of preparation that goes into a top performance. This is especially true for marching band, where you have to get every note right and step completely accurate.
“The show is looking well, I can say, but it’s the little details. Looking into every single inch of space that is between each other, looking at all of that,” senior and drumline captain Diego Cartagena said. “That’s what differentiates us from different groups, from weaker groups, from stronger groups,” Cartagena said.
While practice and repetition is someone of the most crucial aspects of competition, it is also important to have a good dynamic among everyone in the band. The members of the band, much like any other team sport, need to be able to work together and be in sync with each other.
“You can’t really think of yourself as much, you have to think of the group,” Cartagena said.