Leaves changing colors on the trees in courtyard
Halloween is over and people are already trying to get Christmas started. Why can we never appreciate November for its beauty? November is a fantastic month and it’s downright criminal how overlooked it’s become, all you need to do is look around and you’ll find just how special November can be.

Pumpkin season
Pumpkins are an October staple, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be enjoyed all fall long. Get yourself a pumpkin to carve, and search for a recipe to make with your pumpkin guts, whether you want something sweet or something more savory there are endless possibilities of what a simple pumpkin can make.
The Weather
The weather is finally starting to cool down, so now is the perfect opportunity to spend some time outdoors. Go on a calm late afternoon stroll, or spend some time at your nearest park with company, or alone.
The Great Outdoors
While you’re outside admire the nature around you, take notice of which tree leaves are starting to turn, and watch the fallen leaves get blown around with the breeze. When it rains enjoy your favorite hot beverage and watch the drops go by, or if you’re the more adventurous type take the chance to run around in the rain and just enjoy the wonders of the water cycle.
Fall Fashion
Layers, layers, layers with the temperature going down now is finally the time that layers can be worn comfortably. Have some fun next time you’re getting ready and try layering clothes atop each other. Flannels and sweaters can be a great way to spice up your wardrobe and stay comfortable this November.
You don’t need some flashy holiday to make your month count. Learn to appreciate the little things in life and learn to love November for all its worth.