by | Aidan Curtis
Staff Reporter
POV: You’re in a car, and your friend gives you the AUX. Are you playing Nirvana or Olivia Rodrigo? There are so many opinions in today’s day and age and people think so differently today than they did 32 years ago in 1990. Mainly the changes in opinion come from the huge genre changes and the way stuff is sung (lyric and tone-wise).
“I think the language has changed and it’s more kind of on the surface level. I think music in the 90s, at least older kinds of music, always kind of had that in-depth meaning,” junior Carmen Mihleder said.
While some people think the new generation of music is corny and too modern, others think it has some really amazing new genres and the singers and the artists of this generation are on fire. SZA, Olivia Rodrigo and Tyler, The Creator are only a few of these modern-day icons, but there are so many more.
“It’s like a mixture of different emotions and like life events and stuff, and I feel music from the 90s didn’t show that,” senior Yasmin Torres said.
People who like the 90’s era of music more sometimes think it may feel more unique and fun then it does now, as it may feel maybe a bit more “scripted” or “just for the money”.
“But there was definitely something like fun about the 90s and that rock, rap and hip hop,” Mihleder said. “Also like the way you talk about people wasn’t just so importantly rude or importantly sexy, it wasn’t bad.”
There is a giant split in opinions when it comes to everything music-related nowadays even when it comes to just how music was sung at one point. People think that the language and tone of music have changed drastically over the years.
“I think it’s good because it’s more of a happy and sometimes sad tone,” Torres said.
The moral of the story is there will always be millions of opinions surrounding the music industry and a lot of them are going to differentiate. There will always be people who like one era of music more than the other and one genre more than another.
“I think it’s good to expand people’s horizons and it’s really nice to mix up the genres every once in a while,” Mihleder said.