With the help of deputy voter registrars for Bexar County, those of age may register to vote. The seniors are earning a right that determines the future of our nation.
“I think it’s important, but we are still so young, so it’s hard for people to form their beliefs yet,” senior Iliana Mendoza said. “I’m not eighteen yet, but if I was, I don’t know if I would.”
Though it may be difficult for students to see the importance of voting, the social studies department asked voter registrars to present the opportunity to register in government and economics classes.
“We want to make sure that everyone who wants to register can actually register,” Dean of Social Studies Rob Shapiro said. “That’s one of the things I love about this place, the educator voter registration initiative.”
The steps taken by the voter registrars with the school make it more convenient for the seniors and show them how to go through the process with that guided assistance.
“I’m glad we facilitated it because voting is such a thing I think a lot of people take for granted,” Principal Hernandez said. “My opinion is that I love there is a process for facilitating this, I love what Shapiro has done.”
Voting is something that students look forward to once they turn 18, now that they have a say in their future. Students like Matt McGarity plans to be a first-time voter in November.
“It’s pretty cool,” senior Mathew McGarity said. “I get a say in who the next president will be, which impacts our future for sure.”
To take further steps towards registering to vote, use the following website: https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do
The form must be submitted by mail. The deadline to register to vote in Texas is Oct.7.