The DreamWorks Animated film The Wild Robot, directed by Chris Sanders, was the number one movie during the weekend of Sept. 27. The film’s main voice actors are Lupita Nyong’o as Roz, Pedro Pascal as Fink, and Kit Conner as BrightBill.
The story follows the Robot Rossum Unit 7134 or Roz for short on an island with all the animals. She tries to find her first task and navigate the island she landed on. While working on this, she learns the animal language, and the way of the island, and raises a small gosling for migration. Roz has to learn to be an adoptive mother and find where she belongs on the island. Eventually, she finds a long-range transponder to help her get back to her manufacturer. Roz decides to stay for her adopted son Brightbill; and other animals like Fink the Fox.
The story flows well with messages of motherhood, finding where you belong, continuing when times are rough, and so much more. Each character has a mini-story. For example, Brightbill had to find a way to get ready for migration while learning a tough truth about his birth family, being different from the rest of the flock, and being small. This movie uses different elements of storytelling like double context to create an incredible story.
Although this movie isn’t real life, the art and animation are incredible and even look realistic. Each scene is a breathtaking moment. The emotion of each scene is shown in strong colors like the use of bright colors used for the morning, or the storms in the beginning. All moments of this movie are very special and help move the story forward.
The cast for each animal is amazing through the many voice actors. The relationships between all the characters like Rox and Brightbill are filled with emotions and love.
Since this was only an hour and 42 minutes long, Some parts were rushed very quickly which can leave the audience speechless and confused. This movie makes up for it with context clues to help bring all the pieces together.
This DreamWorks film is amazing from all angles. Everything in the movie flows well into the next part. The art makes one speechless in all the best ways. Many turns made me want more.
I give The Wild Robot a 6 out of 5 stars.