Eva Rivera
Practicing every day for the fall classic, the Aquatics team shows their skills in different categories in the swimming or diving section. The team will go to Josh Davis Natatorium both Nov. 1 and 2 for this competition.
“It’s the first time that we get to see some of the schools that are beyond just pure districts, ones that are farther away, but they’re still in our region,” Coach Emily Yergler said. “So it’s a good indication of where we’re at early in the season and it helps me a lot.”
Many swimmers use techniques like breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle, and butterfly stroke. Each different technique has its competition to receive points to win medals at the end of the fall classic. With each different technique comes a mindset the swimmers have to get in.
“I am confident, I know that I put the work in between high school practice and club practice,” Senior Caption Tyler Moeller said
For the Aquatics team, diver Sarah Miele competes in most of the diving competitions by herself. The fall classic gives her this chance to earn points for the whole Aquatics team.
“I try to remember what my coaches always told me: to dive without fear is to remember,” Miele said. “You’re gonna hit the water, and once you hit the water, you’re not gonna hit it again.”