Dear Earbuds,
Thank you for existing, I love you so so so so so so sooooo much
Bella Herrera :p.
Dear world,
I’m thankful to acquire awesome book taste.
Milli Garcia
Dear World,
I am grateful for having books to read and libraries to visit, so I can be anywhere I want anytime I want.
I am very thankful for the friends and people I have met along the way, I am very grateful for my family, and I am very thankful that the Spurs tanked like 2-3 years to get Victor Wemebenyama.
Leonardo Garcia
Dear 2024,
I am grateful for all the great things that have happened this year I’m grateful for the people I’ve met and the teachers I’ve met I’m also very grateful that Mr. Compton is doing great and on the road to recovery he’s the best club teacher and he rules!
-John Abrego
Kate H.
Dear Spotify,
I am thankful that you were created, especially after my hotwiring to the radio in my truck doesn’t work. I love all the creative albums and playlists you give and recommend me!!
Casey Crittendon
Dear Capitalism,
I am thankful for the full closet you have provided me with.
I am thankful for the cute clothes I will wear once and then forget about then remember at 4 A.M. and proceed to struggle to find.
Ally <3
I’m thankful to Disney+ because I like Disney movies so much. Thanks to it, whenever I want to watch it, I can watch them.
Dear Mom,
I just want to thank you for everything that you do for me and for being there for me no matter the situation and things that were going on with me and anything else, in general. Even though we’ve had our good times and bad, I am very thankful for them all and regret none of it. I am so thankful for your patience and the advice you have given me and continue to give me for my future stubborn self. I am greatly thankful for all that you do for me. <3
Emerald T.
Dear Books,
Thanks for being my best and easiest friend to connect with.
You are the perfect shield for all social settings.
Yours truly,
Salma Cano
Dear everyone I’ve ever been friends with,
You all have made me learn so much and I am so grateful for this. I’ve learned what kind of person and friend group to surround myself with and I’ve learned what types of people to stay away from. I’ve always stuck myself wherever I landed but I never really put myself where I should be. And now, I am exactly where I’m supposed to be.
Thank you,
Aidan C. c:
Dear friends,
Thank you for always being there for me in my time of need, for always cheering me up when I’m in a very monotonous days. I’m grateful for the amount of people that have always supported me no matter what
Daniel Perez
Dear XBox Game Pass
Thank you for giving me access to many different types of games for my entertainment. Every time I am stressed, I can go find a game to play. It has brought me hours on hours of joy from my everyday life.
Eva Rivera
P.S I am talking about the Game Pass