After the 2024 election, America has given president Donald J Trump a second term. The inauguration of a new president affects everyone, including students at the school.
Q1: Were you affected by the recent election in any way, if so why?
“In all honesty the recent election really didn’t affect me but the one thing I hope for is that our new president lowers the prices on home goods and inflation,” Avorie Ochoa said.
Q2: Do you think he [Donald Trump] will change America for the better?
“I think Donald Trump will set and change America in the right direction because he will lower gas prices and lower taxes for people who are people who are struggling to pay their own taxes and bills in 2025 he will also make alliances with other countries so we can prevent war from happening he will also be addressing things like immigration, abortion, taxes, tariffs and trade, DEI, LGBTQ and civil rights, regulation, federal bureaucracy,and presidential power.” Gage Ricker, 9
Q3: What do you predict your future to look like now given the winner of the recent election?
“I predict that my future will be more strained with his new ideas going to be put into place I believe he will restrict people’s opinions and ideas they truly believe in, I will have a hard time to go with him for the next four years since most of my beliefs are going to be restricted because of him.” Steven Amaro, 12
Q4: What are your feelings towards his election?
“His election will elicit a bunch of negative and positive responses. I want to remain neutral on the subject due to the complexities that come with it. As long as he’s not to be a tyrant and negatively impact our lives, economy, country, or alliances then I will stand back from the politics of it.” Daniela Palacios, 11
Q5: Do you think he will lead America in the right direction?
“He will not lead America in the right direction,his campaign has been derived from division, a lack of honest information, and if immigrants are to be deported, regardless of how we feel the majority of union labor will fade, leading to economic recession and a rise of demand for the goods Americans depend on. Economics are residual and he has illegally overreached to attempt deals with Denmark and Mexico for Greenland and natural resources. He is a threat to the alliances America has held and the push to think a certain way as per the Bible or feelings is dangerous to our values,” Cheyenne McBane, 12
Q6: Do you believe he will address and improve the education system for you as a student?
“I believe that with his plan to eliminate the teaching of critical race theory it will leave me uneducated on others’ perspectives,” junior Sara Gonzalez said.