Valentine’s Day, where romantic love, friendship and admiration is celebrated all over the world. For historical reasons, people chose this day to celebrate these values.
Valentine’s Day should be removed as it doesn’t have a true reason to be celebrated.
Firstly, Valentine’s Day has been placed on the supposed date of the murder of a Catholic priest that married couples under Roman Law. Valentine’s Day is the day in which he was executed, and it seems as a very odd thing to do when the day is in memory of Valentine; the day that is being celebrated is the death day.
Valentine’s Day also brings thousands of individuals sadness on one day. Countless people have a grand dislike against Valentine’s Day because there’s a high amount of public display among couples. This day brings these people to hate on the display of public affection, mainly because the individuals believe there’s no one for most people to celebrate Valentine’s Day with, making them lose track of the supposed point and joy of the holiday.
Most important of all, Valentine’s Day is often seen as an obligation when people are in a relationship just because It’s expected. This frequently makes the acts done with good heart seem to be just mandatory and emotionless; causing discrepancies in couples’ views. Couples shouldn’t have to do something romantic because it’s expected but rather because the swell of emotions surges from them and manifests itself into a heartwarming thought, expression, gift, etc.
With the amount of praise that Valentine’s Day gets, there’s a high drive to follow it. Valentine’s Day is apparently an homage to the death of Valentines rather than a callback to Valentine’s actions in favor of love. Valentine’s Day confines the use of romanticism, chained to a specific day. It should be let free. Valentine’s Day should not be celebrated on the day of his death, the celebration of romanticism should not be a metaphor for the death of love.
Despite the ridiculousness of Valentine’s Day, love should still be celebrated as it is an important acknowledgement to have in relationships. Overall, the use of having a specific day where there’s a celebration seems preposterous. Everybody should have their own day of celebrating their love with each other, that way these individuals still get to spend time together on a special night that is important to the couple.