Most of my opinions of the movie were the same as my friends’; they both loved the movie. However, our opinions differed over the best scenes of the movie.
“My favorite part in both versions of the movie was when Rose (Kate Winslet) jumped out of the life boat so she could be with Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio),” Bailey Rangel, freshman, said. Leander Meadows’ opinion was different from Rangel’s- and my- opinions; His favorite part of the movie was “when they [Rose and Jack] were standing on the outside of the boat holding on to the rail as the boat started to sink, waiting to jump into the water.”
Rangel, like me, had seen the movie before, and we each had opinions on the effect of the new 3D. “I think it had a good impact- it somewhat got my attention more than the original,” she said, and I agreed.
Although it seems that now, everyone loves Titanic – when it first came out in theaters in 1997, it didn’t have as warm a reception as many would think, due to its current popularity. Desson Howe, a Washington Post staff writer, said, “This movie should have blown us out of the water. Instead, we catch ourselves occasionally thinking the unpardonable thought: ‘OK, sink already.'” This surprised me; I figured everyone would consider this movie the pièce de résistance of the year, but the fact that they centered the movie mainly on a love story, instead of the actual accident, could have affected some people’s opinions.
Have you seen Titanic 3D? Tell us your opinion of the 3D remastering in the comments!
Sarah • May 23, 2012 at 5:47 pm
you’d think they’d see the ice burg this time.