Heart rate racing, blood pressure rising, adrenaline pumping. Vaping e-cigarettes can cause these symptoms and so much more because they are known to be toxic, and damaging to anyone for long term.
For the safety of all students attending NEISD schools, the district is enforcing a policy this year which states that any student caught with a vape pen will automatically get drug tested. If said students fail the drug tests they are, with no questions asked expelled and or given consequences from Northeast police department (NEPD).
“Vaping has become an epidemic,” nurse Ramirez-Westbrook said, “recent issues include seizures and lung blockages.”
Vaping is never safe. As we know many individuals especially teenagers experience health concerns that can be life threatening.
“Students may think it’s safer than cigarette smoking, but its not,” Westbrook said.
In most cases, vaping can actually be more dangerous than smoking because long term effects are unknown. Vaping has caused six deaths and around 450 cases with lung diseases throughout the nation.
“If the students’ vaping substance contains THC, they are expelled, or possibly sent to alternative [school]. A felony offense can occur,” Administrator Mr.Moczygemba said.
Northeast district officials and school administration highly enforce this policy. They seek nothing but the best interests and safety for all students.
“Whether it contains THC, a lot of nicotine or bad chemicals, and even being treated like cigarettes, it is most definitely not allowed at school,” AP Mr.Moczygemba. “Don’t do it students,”
No one could ever predict the effects of vaping e-cigarettes in the long run, but it can be concluded that the odds aren’t in people’s favor.
“Metals in vape pens can damage individuals, especially teens without a doubt,” said nurse Westbrook. “Our students should always be safe and healthy.”