As Halloween approaches, many questions are raised, “What’s the plan for Halloween and safety with COVID-19?” Is trick or treating going to continue as usual this year? Or will children have to make due with staying home this Halloween?
Here’s a rundown of the CDC guidelines and there are many alternatives to usual events being cancelled.
The CDC says there are low, moderate, and high risk Halloween activities, the higher risk activities, such as trick or treating, trunk or treat, crowded parties, haunted houses, or any fall festivals, should be avoided. But, trick or treating doesn’t have to be completely avoided, the CDC said a moderate risk alternative to trick or treating would be that kids could pick up individually wrapped goodie bags people leave in the driveway or front yard. And, instead of a crowded indoor party, consider hosting a smaller outdoor party where people can be able to maintain social distancing.
“Times are really tough right now, so I’m trying to make the best out of it,” Amelia Bell, 10 said. “I’m planning to hangout with some friends while staying safe and smart.”
This news is sad, but also very expected. The high risk activities that should be avoided only come once a year, so what else can you do to make your Halloween just as enjoyable? Make plans with a small group of friends to be safely distanced and carve pumpkins, stay in with your family, buy some Halloween candy, and have a scary movie night, decorate your house more than you would usually. Whatever your plan is, make sure it’s a safe one. We have to make it through this holiday safely in order to make wintertime way more enjoyable.
If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, or know you have it, please stay home, and stay safe this Halloween.