The movie Wonka graced theaters with an exciting tale of everyone’s most memorable childhood character. The movie featured Timothee Chalamet as the main character Willy Wonka, with supporting roles of Calah Lane as Noodle and Hugh Grant as an Oompa-Loompa.
The movie follows Willy Wonka as he enters the plaza in which the world’s most renowned chocolate establishments reside, and tries to make himself known there as well. Once he gets scammed by some seemingly nice hotel owners offering him a place to sleep, he meets Noodle and the others who are stuck working for the hotel to pay off their debt. He devises a plan, that the others want in on, to make and sell his chocolate to pay off everyone’s debts. The most famous chocolate makers find out about this and how good his chocolate is and decide to take him down.
The movie had terrific special effects and CGI. They did a great job on the animation of the animals featured as well as the organization of the story and musical arrangement. This adaptation of the original story of Willy Wonka and his chocolate factory was incredible. I enjoyed the movie a lot. I even cried at the end part with his mother and the chocolate she made. From the beginning, they did a good job of setting up that scene. Chronologically, the story was good and the scenes played out nicely.
While they did a good job at most things, there were a couple of things they could’ve done better. Some of the lines seemed out of place and some just didn’t land right. In theaters when one of those lines was said, in unity the audience would groan or cringe and it was visible. I also believe some of the jokes didn’t land the way the writers intended them to, a lot of people in the theater seemed confused at the jokes and there were some audible questions.
Overall I thought the movie was great, to me there weren’t a lot of bad things about it, only some misses here and there. I would go see it again if given the offer, and I definitely would recommend others to watch it as well. I would give it a 4.7 stars out of 5.