The annual World Language Tour took place Friday, Feb. 2 from 7-8 pm in the auditorium. There students displayed culturally relevant acts including Folklorico dancing, Mariachi, a fashion show skit from a Japanese club, and more.
“It took us two days to put the whole show together. On Thursday, the day before the World Language Tour we just got everyone together to practice their bit and then leave, and then Friday, the day of, we did the lighting part and figured everything out,” junior host Victoria Medrano said.
ASL has been hosting the World Language Tour since February of 2018. The goal of the tour is to both bring awareness to the culture of the languages presented in the tour, and all the things that the students in those classes do.
“A lot of the languages don’t get enough recognition, and I feel like all of the languages sort of do a lot in their own specific ways and the World Language Tour sort of brings awareness to them I guess you could say, so people could say like ‘Oh wait this is cool, they do this and they do that.’ And also for culture too, like for example the skits like for Japanese they did the culture when it comes to shoes and clothes. In ASL we do our songs, and then Folklorico just do their beautiful dances, and show their culture,” Medrano said.
This year Mr. Kitterman’s 8-year-old son even made an appearance, playing pieces from Mozart and Bach on the piano to represent German and French.
“My favorite part of the World Language Tour was the Ramsey bit, who is Mr. Kitterman’s 8-year-old son, and he just came out and played French and German music on the piano. It was my favorite part because I was able to be part of it, and it was a comedic break, and Ramsey’s just super cute and super talented,” Medrano said.
The world language tour was upbeat and bursting with energy for the entire one-hour duration of it. Each language had something unique and exciting to show. From music and dance to comedy the World Language Tour has a lot to offer.
“Usually when the World Language Tour happens not a lot of people show up, and I feel like a lot of people should show up because it’s entertaining. There’s a lot you can see, and there’s a lot of stuff you get to experience that you may have not necessarily realized before going in and I think it’s just a fun thing to go to,” Medrano said.