As an exchange student, I found many things to be different from how they are in my home country of Japan. In Japan, I can’t wear anything other than a school uniform, so there is no spirit week, and most of the things that I can do at American schools are not allowed at school in Japan. That’s why most of the things I’ve done here are things I rarely experience in Japan.
I knew that American high school would be very different, but I did not know that it would be different for better or for worse compared to high school in Japan. I honestly thought the students’ and teachers’ school spirit was wonderful. Especially during the Football season, there were theme days for each game and pep rallies. I didn’t experience this until I came to America because I don’t have such things at school in Japan. Everyone wore clothes that followed the theme and showed how they were involved in school. We wear school uniforms instead of having spirit week to show it. I am not saying wearing the school uniform makes me feel uncomfortable, but wearing different clothes that follow the theme makes it fun to go to school. I felt that American schools had a lot of fun things to do, and I wish I had grown up with this.
Another different thing is how much freedom students have in American schools. Students can dye their hair, bring their phone, and use it during class. Also, they can wear whatever they want to as long as it doesn’t violate the dress code. I was so surprised when I came on first day because how they spend time in class and during the day is completely different. In Japan, I can’t even bring my phone to school in Japan without a teacher’s permission, and can’t color or curl my hair. That’s why, at first, I was so confused about spending time at school like this. However, when I got used to American school, I began to feel much more at ease. I thought it was great that they were in an environment where they could always value their individuality, without it having a negative impact on those around them. This makes it easier and more likely to motivate students to go to school.
Compared with high school in Japan, I could find a lot of differences. I like the amount of freedom that is given to high school students in America. I feel these differences are for the better and it will have a positive impact on how students approach school altogether.