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Temporary Texan

Temporary Texan

Airi Shirasaki, Staff Reporter February 13, 2025

American schools are focusing on not only studying, but also sports.  I found a big difference in American sports rather than Japanese ones.    Here, each sport has its own season. When it’s...

Sticky note reading 'vote.'  Photo by Mary DeLeon

Cast Your Vote

Mary De Leon November 16, 2017
Nov. 8, to some, isn’t anything special.  It’s a birthday to some, but it should mean a lot to everyone above the age of eighteen in the United States of America.
American censorship, this is how it starts

American censorship, this is how it starts

danielmora October 23, 2014

Students in Colorado’s Jefferson County have walked out of their classes at several schools, protesting the proposed curriculum changes in U.S. History classes. These walk outs have been organized via...


#RealTalk: State of the Union

brittany-trub February 14, 2013

Guys, Obama was reelected as President. Time to get over it. It's also time for President Obama's State of the Union Address. The State of the Union Address is actually mandated by the United States...

#RealTalk: Women Fighting with Men

#RealTalk: Women Fighting with Men

brittany-trub January 31, 2013

I thought men and women were equal. Sex defines the biological barriers between men and women and set the standards for the first, second, and third feminist movement. Sex shouldn't be that important in...

Political graffiti
Photo and Manipulation by Sarah Morales

No More Sandy Hooks: Obama Issues New Gun Control Polices

Sarah Morales January 20, 2013

It's no surprise that a large percentage of students on campus are conservative young Republicans who happen to like hunting- what was a surprise, however, was the lack of commotion  on Twitter, at...

Adolescent Ambassadors: International Club Students Make Changes

Adolescent Ambassadors: International Club Students Make Changes

brittany-trub February 27, 2012

For over twenty years, the International Club has worked at a goal worth achieving. The motivation behind International Club is to maintain close relationships between foreign exchange students and the...

American Obsession Over Obesity

American Obsession Over Obesity

brittany-trub January 12, 2012

Standing in the mirror, holding in their stomach, and trying to make the extra weight disappear is an all too familiar ritual for most American youths. Now considered an "epidemic," the Centers for Disease...

Hats Off To Helmets: Veterans Day

andrew-guerra November 12, 2011

              This week, Brahma Tales recognizes people and organizations from the community for their service to this country. They will be showcased in a 5-part...

Border Ignorance

andrew-guerra September 26, 2011
The U.S. is selfish and cold-hearted to problems that do not directly affect them.
The (Possible) Transition to a New Era

The (Possible) Transition to a New Era

brittany-trub September 22, 2011

The air of unrest whirs amongst voters and concerned citizens as Republicans announce their candidacy for the 2012 Presidency. From the  shuffled ethics of Mitt Romney to Michelle Bachmann's controversial...

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