Wanting to look like a celebrity seems to be a never ending desire. They always seem to have the perfect combinations of make up, clothes and shoes. Below are some fun, cheap ways to recreate their most stylish looks;
First, let’s get a look at Anne Hathaway’s outfit: classy, simple but stylish.

Wondering how to get her look? Here you are some cheaper options:

On the right, H&M’s shoes and Covergirl’s “fairytale” lipstick;
1. A cute floral dress from Forever 21. (forever 21, http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?Br=H1981&Category=DRESS&ProductID=2000047784&VariantID=)
2. A pair of lacquer black heels by H&M. (http://www.hm.com/us/product/92201?article=92201-J)
and to complete the “doll look”,
3. “fairytale” lipstick by covergirl(http://m.covergirl.com/go.php?k=3.30063&page=121325&shop_group=77&shop_category=89&shop_product_id=469&shop_mode=show_product&skuId=810000526&aspi=cg_lipperfection_lipstick_lipcolor)
Blake Lively shows off a simple yet chic look:

And here’s the way you can recreate it

black wings necklace by romwe.com;
pants by motelrocks.com
1. Pants designed by motelrocks. (http://www.motelrocks.com/shop/products/Motel-Jordan-Skinny-Jean-in-New-Black-White.html)
2. A basic oversized shirt by forever 21 (http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?BR=f21&Category=top_blouse_shirts&ProductID=2017306927&VariantID=)
3. And to finish the outfit off, you can add this extravagant necklace by romwe.com

Black sandals by Charlotte Russe
1. A pair of patterned harem pants (in the picture: http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?BR=f21&Category=btms_pants&ProductID=2019571187&VariantID= ; or http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?BR=f21&Category=btms_pants&ProductID=2025102078&VariantID= ; or http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?Br=F21&Category=BTMs&ProductID=2011407926&VariantID=)
2. A black semi-transparent blouse by forever 21 (http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?BR=f21&Category=top_blouse_shirts&ProductID=2019598467&VariantID=)
3. A black chic clutch by forever 21 (http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?BR=f21&Category=acc_handbags_clutches&ProductID=1017307364&VariantID=)
4. And a pair of healed sandals by Charlotte Russe to conclude (http://m.charlotterusse.com/mobileProduct/Hi-Heel-Sandals/entity/sc/2665/208871.uts?sortByColumnName=SortByArrival)
These are only a few of the many ways you can be stylish without to much effort, all you need is creativity, imagination and a internet connection.