Graphic by Vilch Gleans (blogspot.com)
As Nov 6 inches closer and closer, 18 year olds have the privilege to vote in the 2012 presidential election. The world waits to see who will represent the red, white, and blue for the next four years- but few voters know what all three candidates actually stand for. Before casting a ballot, young voters should know what the representative each political party supports.
For more issues and political stances for all other candidates, visit this website.
Issue | Obama | Romney | Johnson |
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ProUnclear | ConPro | ProPro |
Con Unclear Con Unclear |
Pro Pro Pro Pro |
Unclear Con Con Con |
Lowering the legal drinking age | Con | Unclear | Pro |
Health Care
Pro Con Pro |
Con Pro Unclear |
Con Con Con |
Pro Unclear |
Con Unclear |
Pro Unclear |
Medical Marijuana
Con Pro |
Unclear Con |
Con Pro |