Knit for the cure donates one hundred hats.
After only a year of existence, the band of “knitters” tug at the heartstrings of hundreds.
Literally, hundreds.
Senior Monica Villalobos founded Knit for the Cure a year ago in attempt to provide hand-knitted hats to chemotherapy patients. Finding inspiration in her sister, a breast cancer survivor, Monica made connections with the UTSA Health Science Center to accept donations of hats the group makes.

Last month, the Baptist Breast Cancer Center reached out to Monica and her organization, Knit for the Cure, to donate one hundred hats.
These hats will go to cancer patients receiving chemotherapy treatment and those in remission from the disease.
“[The cancer patients] need our help,” Monica said. “So we need to make sure that we all get together and do what this club is meant to do: help cancer patients and make them feel better during this horrible time in their life.”

On Thursday, Feb. 14, Monica and Knit for the Cure achieved their goal of knitting 100 hats for the Baptist Breast Cancer Center.
“The cancer patients really enjoyed their hats,” Monica said.
The charity Monica and Knit for the Cure rings through the San Antonio community as cancer patients receive hats year round.