I’m a gamer because I love video games! I play various PC games, on different handhelds/consoles, and going into a game like Skyrim and just taking out an entire bandit camp with nothing but a single fire spell is one of my favorite things to do. I especially love messing with my friends in games like BattleField and blowing up a building on top of my friends. Video games also help me relax after a really long day. That is why I am a gamer.

There are many types of gamers, though, who will only play consoles, or will only play a certain console. Then there are those who only play on the computer or just on handhelds like the Nintendo DS. There are people who don’t even play video games at all and are still considered gamers(usually they play board or card games). The point is there are a bunch of types of games and many types of gamers. So no matter what you are into, there is a game that will have that and there are people who play that game.

The plain fact that so many people play games means that there are tons of people to play with. Now-a-days almost every video game out there has some online function that allows you to connect with anyone in the world. I have played with people who are on the other side of the world! There are also conventions and competitions for all of these types of things.

So I recommend becoming a gamer because you can meet so many new people and play so many amazing games. Playing games is not for everyone, but for those of you who are sort of on the fence about it, you can just go to one of your friends and ask them. If you want to get a gaming platform, go to a place like Gamestop where they can tell you all about what types of things to look for. So consider becoming a gamer and play games.