News by Julia Rash
In order to show students how alcohol affects motor functions, the Student Council is holding a Red Ribbon Field Day on Friday, during all three lunches on the field, offering games to play while having to endure vision impairment.
Maddy Tompkins came up with the idea after seeing state reports that had similar projects, adapting the ideas into a Red Ribbon Field Day.
“I just hope it kind of opens people’s eyes, so they see there really is a big difference,” Organizer, Maddy Tompkins said.
This activity allows the students to get a better knowledge of how alcohol affects motor abilities, using goggles that create the effects of vision impairment similar to when drunk.
“Actually seeing it and having a more visual hands-on experience will help reinforce that it’s an awful decision to make,” Tompkins said.
Maddy is the officer of the ‘Drugs and Alcohol’ committee in the school’s student council, the committee works on different projects throughout the year, trying to prevent and spread awareness of the dangers of drugs.
“I hope people see that it’s not a joke, that honestly they could get hurt,” Committee member, Vanessa Ramirez said.
Although the main idea is to allow the participants to experience the effects and prevent it in the future, it is also something entertaining.
“I feel it’s something fun and not some boring lecture, it’s some activity,” Vanessa said.