MacTeach helped out the janitors this Thursday, by picking up trash around the school, as well as mopping, sweeping, and sanitizing the computers. They broke up into groups with a single leader, then divided and conquered.
“The janitor that helped us showed us how to clean the computers and then we basically took over from there,” senior Christian Garcia said.
Not only the janitors benefit from the cleaning MacTeach helped with. Teachers gave cookies to students to express their appreciation.
“The janitors were really happy and thought it was fun to do with us,” Garcia said.

Having to stay at school late into the night, this clean up definitely gave the janitor’s a break from the work.
“They stay here till like 11 p.m., so this helps them a whole bunch,” Tristan Pace, 12, said.
When they finished cleaning the school, the students surprised the janitors with goody bags that had items such as candy, cookies, soda, and even sausage and cheese they had made themselves.
“We had created goody bags for all the janitors just to say thank you and show our respect. It’s still not enough because of what they do everyday,” Garcia said.
Even though it was only one day, the janitors were very happy for the students help and especially the goody bags!
“It’s really important that we did this because it helps the janitors out a lot,” Pace said.