Due to the change in teacher’s schedules, students may have their schedules changed within the course of the next three to six weeks.
“[Schedule changing] is a common problem that every single high school goes through,” Counselor Mrs. Sebastian said.
Earlier this week Principal Mr. Martinez sent out a newsletter to parents and guardians about the possibility of students shift in classes.
“Mr. Martinez sent out an email saying [to] stick to the courses or electives that [students] have because that’s how we build our staff,” Counselor Mrs. Reyes said. “This way we don’t have a [big shift] out of one area and then to another.”
Mr. Martinez also mentioned in his newsletter that he will notify parents and guardians again if there are major scheduling changes.
“That’s why we’re not allowing [the changing of ] electives unless it was a mistake,” Mrs. Reyes said “And what we’re really working with is are they wanting out of Pre-AP English or a core class into a regular and vice versa.”
Most schedule changes are predicted to affect underclassmen more than seniors, and can be changed for a variety of reasons from too many students in a class or if students request class changes.
“I got a schedule change yesterday and it’s actually changed for the better,” junior Ali Ybarra said. “My routes are quicker than they were before and I [got to meet] new people.”