After a water pipe broke on the third floor, a flood left most of the C-wing and D-wing classes to relocate on Monday, Aug. 31.
“It could’ve been a lot worse,” AP Ms. Cook said. “It could’ve gotten into the storage rooms and destroyed hundreds of thousands worth of textbooks, but it didn’t make it.”
Items damaged include computer chargers, electrical sockets, books, assignments, file cabinets, and an old desktop computer.
“One of our staff members that came in at about 6:40 on Monday morning [first noticed the flooding],” Ms. Cook said. “So the leak had happened when no one was on campus. Probably the day or night before and had just run unabated because it was on a weekend.”
Because of the construction constantly shutting water on and off , it is possible air and debris entering the pipes caused the pipe to break.
“When I came in Monday morning there was water [all around the room], it covered my shoes, so it’s a good thing I wore boat shoes,” English teacher Ms. Zambrano said. “[The] ceilings had came down over the top of [the] front table where composition notebooks are and [in the] back where the turn in papers are. All of those were completely destroyed.”
Within one day of work, the custodians had fixed and put most of the rooms back to normal.
“I’m just really impressed with how quickly everybody managed to get through a catastrophe like that, ” Ms. Zambrano said.