The San Antonio Zoo opened their doors to the brand new exhibit featuring two young giraffes and their father on Nov. 20, 2015. The new exhibit also includes a feeding station where visitors are able to feed the giraffes right from their hand.
The zoo has been without these 3,000 pound creatures for five years for reconstruction, but the new exhibit will be sure to bring out the long lost love visitors have for the giraffes.

At the recent ‘Zoobilation Ball”, a dinner hosted by the zoo, the names of the three giraffes were decided by attending guests and will be announced soon.
The zoo will be open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm until January 3, 2016, due to Zoo Lights – Holiday Nights. The Zoo will however remain open until 6:00 pm on Dec. 24 and 25, so grab the family and pay a long overdue visit to these spectacular animals.