The highly anticipated sixth season of Game of Thrones will premiere next month, however the trailer and several posters have finally been released. The last episode of the previous season left the viewers with numerous unresolved cliffhangers and loose ends, which led to the creation of many conspiracy theories and predictions.
The trailer is fairly long, one minute and forty-one seconds, but many of the scenes are very short and vague. Almost all of the main characters appear at least once, cut scenes to several brutal battles separate these individual appearances. A chilling and melancholic version of “Wicked Games” by James Vincent McMorrow accompanies the stunning visuals creating contrast between the violent scenes and the melodic soundtrack.
The video begins with the sun rising over Castle Black, Jon Snow is still in the same state and place where he was in season five, which means that he was left to bleed out over the night.

A Dornish ship with Jaime Lannister, Prince Trystane and Princess Myrcella’s dead body sails into Kings Landing, Cersai watches the ship with tears of joy, not knowing her daughter is dead.

Davos Seaworth grieves over a wooden funeral pyre but there is no hint of whose it is. It could be prepared for Jon Snow or Stannis Baratheon, but it could also be where Shireen was burned. Later he is shown talking to Melisandre, who blames herself for not foreseeing Stannis’ death.

Jorah Mormont and Daario Naharis find the ring Daenerys Targaryen strategically dropped in the field before being abducted by the Dorthraki. Daenerys is shown walking to Vaes Dothrak, which indicates that the Dorthtraki are not treating her as a Khaleesi but as a prisoner.

Tyrion Lannister is sneaks around the secret tunnels of Meereen, where Daenerys kept her dragons. The High Sparrow talks about how the poor and powerless can overthrow the empire, at this point he is presumably the ruler or at least the most powerful man in King’s Landing.

Sansa Stark survives the fall from the Winterfell walls and finds shelter and safety. Theon Greyjoy also survived the fall and is shown sorrounded by soldiers and dogs, probably sent by Ramsay. Arya Stark is still blind and in the House of Black and White. Some fans speculate that she could be warging, because her ancestors had the power and her brother Brann was also able to warg into a wolf

It all leads up to the only but very dramatic scene of Brann Stark, who’s having a vision. He slowly turns around to see a White Walker standing right behind him. It is safe to say that now, more than ever are the White Walkers a major threat to the people living beyond The Wall.

This season seems full of stunning visuals, significant plot twists, new interesting characters, and drama. The show premieres Sunday, April 24, 2016 on HBO.