The Skate Club is sponsored by Mrs. Beres, the AVID teacher, for skaters who want to practice and improve their skating skills and also to go outdoors at LBJ Park; they also meet in room A210 on Tuesday mornings for meetings.
Skate Club member, Parker Nicholas, sets goals for himself so he can obtain the skills he wants.
“I just wanna do me,”sophomore Nicholas said. “[I want] to be better than I was at the beginning of the year and see others progress as well.”
Mrs. Beres thinks students who have a passion for skateboarding and filming videos of their progress should consider the idea of becoming apart of the club.
“[The club is important because it gives] skateboarding a school sponsor outlet for their love of skateboarding and creativity,” Mrs. Beres said.
From an sponsor’s perspective,she advises skate club to express who they truly are and give them a chance to pursue their desire as skaters.
“This club is [beneficial] for students who feel marginalized from others and use this club to welcome them as they’re fitting in,” Mrs. Beres said.