With Halloween coming up this month, people are beginning to get ready for their Halloween plans. But the question is can high schoolers still trick or treat? Everyone enjoys it when they’re younger but is it still okay for us to keep up with the tradition? Is it still trendy? Are we too old? Here are the opinions from a freshman, sophomore, junior and senior.

Q: How do you feel about trick or treating?
A: “I think it’s fun to be with my friends and have a good time, I don’t think you’re ever too old for it,” junior Reeve Brown said.

Q: Do you think you are still young enough to trick or treat or get dressed up?
A: “I think everyone is young enough to trick or treat, I think the fun of it is to see how creative everyone gets in different age groups,” sophomore Ariana Lopez said.

Q: How do you feel about kids your age trick or treating?
A: I would not judge if kids my age are still trick or treating. I just personally do not do it anymore,” Ramos said.

Q: Do you think you are still young enough to trick or treat or get dressed up?
A: Freshman JT Gray said, “you can never be too old to go trick or treating”.