The theater department closed their fall show, “David and Lisa” last Saturday. “David and Lisa” is based on the novel by psychiatrist Theodore Isaac Rubin and the award-winning film of the same name, this drama brings laughter, heartbreak and suspense to an ultimately uplifting story. James Reach’s “David and Lisa” follows two peculiar teens – David (Parker Veltman and Everett Zsebehazy), who has an extreme fear of being touched, and Lisa (Victoria Medrano), who has a split personality – during their time at a residential treatment center. Through their time together at the treatment both learn to overcome their fears.
“David and Lisa” masterfully balanced comedy with touching scenes that left more than a few audiences with tears in their eyes. Between David’s therapy sessions with Dr. Eileen White (Reagan Whitenack) and David’s heartbreaking conversation with his father (Eliel Muniz and Malachi Lujan) there was no shortage of touching moments.
Of course the audience still burst out with laughter when the teens made up a dance to “Coconut” by Harry Nilsson and when the were tasked to make up stories about a girl falling off a bike.
“David and Lisa” is a great example of the emotional complexity the theater department students can provide, and with how good “David and Lisa” was I can’t wait for “Little Shop of Horrors” which will open on Nov. 15.
Cast In Order of Appearance
Lisa: Victoria Medrano
John: Noah Rodriguez
David Green: Everett Zsebehazy & Parker Veltman
Mrs. Green: Mya Barrera & Arwen Loxom
Secretary: Ravneek Singh
Dr. Eileen White: Reagan Whitenack
Mrs. Ferris: Savana Beebe
Maureen Hart: Alyssa Conchas
Josette: Tatianna Hamilton
Carlos: Erik Torres
Sandra: Carmen Mihleder
Simon: Nathan Anderson
Kate: Erica Pasquale-Davis
Robert: Zachary Herring
Barbara: Emily Rangel
Ben: Elijah Del Toro
Mr. Green: Eliel Muniz & Malachi Lujan