On April 23rd, UTSA is hosting their third annual charity event to raise money for cancer patients in need by dancing for 12 hours straight without breaks or rest. In charge of this event are Amy Kaster and Tim Spohrer of the FTK (For The Kids) Organization.
“We are re-imagining a beneficiary event that Penn State University has been holding since 1970. They currently do dances for 48 hours, [so] we plan to match that over time,” Spohrer said.

It is an independent student-led organization created to ignite a united effort across the UTSA campus in support of local families battling childhood cancer.
FTK, as it is commonly known on-campus, was created by a small group of students enrolled in the Leadership Challenge class as a service project. It has since grown into a registered student organization at UTSA.
Currently, members of the National Honor Society at MacArthur are volunteering to dance and help out. But, they need more students. Shifts are three hours each, and lunch will be provided. The event starts at 10:00 AM and ends at 10:00 PM. For more info on this program you can visit their website here.