On November 8, 23,000 voters hit the polls to vote for the 2011 NEISD bond, passing it with a 53% majority. The bill calls for a $400 million dollar increase in budgeting and will feed the construction and revamping of most campuses at the intermediate and secondary levels.
Mrs. Linda Emory, administrative assistant, weighed the election of the bond, but decided in favor.
“I voted for the bond election for repair of the new buildings, [of course] I didn’t think the new athletic facilities were necessary, but it wasn’t enough for me not to vote for the bond,” Emory said.
Colonel Blake, coordinator to the JROTC, knows the new building greatly benefits the school’s appearance and reflects the JROTC program.

“[The foundation has] been shifting [since its construction] in 1998, and the new building will only be one floor. The entire building [may be] relocated and replaced as a football dugout,” Blake said.
With its imminent construction the entirety of the program anticipates the building, excited to receive the new funds.
“Our juniors are excited; construction [will] last six to nine months, [with the building opening] in nine to twelve months, [even supporting] a larger rifle range,” Blake said.
The bond also calls for 64 million for technology upgrades, or replacements, and also the upgrading of all the high schools. MacArthur receives as 25 million dollar budget for new science classrooms, a JROTC building, and field houses outdoors for concessions and bathrooms.
Look for details, including the rest of the budget planning here.