High school is a time for getting involved in clubs, activities, and making life long friends. Friends are the ones we depend on through thick and thin, but sometimes they don’t get enough recognition for their friendship. It is important to take the time to appreciate your friends for all they do.
This week, Pals are celebrating the beauty of friendship by selling turtles for friends to send each other. Each little plastic turtle has a note attached that reads “thank you for bringing me out of my shell,” and can be customized with more personal messages if desired.
The turtles are being sold for $1.00 each during all three lunches from Monday, April 20-Wednesday, April 22. The turtle sales will receive no profit and are solely for the purpose of embracing the friendships made in the halls of MacArthur.

“Basically the whole point in selling them [is] to just appreciate your friends,” Pals senior Madeline Senter said.
The turtles will be delivered during classes on Thursday, April 23 by messengers in heart shaped costumes. Spread the love and send your friends a turtle before sales are through.