On Saturday, Dec. 17 the wrestling team will compete at Vista Ridge in Austin, Texas.

Jack Huerta, a sophomore on the varsity team, is nervous about the up coming tournament but is excited to compete with different teams.
“We are competing against 14 teams, that’s combined with San Antonio and Austin schools and they are going against one another,” Huerta said.
Huerta is a sophomore on varsity, and is proud of what he has achieved.
“My favorite match was the one that we had last year because it was a home tournament and it was my first varsity match,” Huerta said.
Huerta was inspired by watching his cousin and is motivated to continue his sport.
“I continue to do wrestling because I want better myself and be able to go to state,” Huerta said. “I like the sport because of the tournaments and competing with different people that have different styles to bring.”