With Governor Greg Abbot canceling school for the rest of the school year on April 17, the class of 2020 is officially robbed of the ending of their senior year. Already losing senior prom, spring sports, and activities, and not getting to spend a few more weeks with their friends, a lot of them are struggling to find the motivation to do any of their school work.

Going into spring break, seniors were excited for a break from school. The stress of going into their last nine weeks of high school and having to prepare for college, the seniors needed the week off from school before the last stretch. Unfortunately, that week turned into two, and then those two weeks slowly turned into online school for the rest of the year.
Online school is already difficult, students are struggling to teach themselves and retain what they’re learning, but now the point seems moot. School is canceled, AP tests are online and open notes, the grading system is different, and graduation is up in the air. 2020 was supposed to be “our year”, but now its been disappointment after disappointment and we are missing out on the end of our high school career.
Of course, there’s nothing we can do about it. Everything is out of our control, but we can control how we react. In this time of isolation, we need to reach out to each other and push each other to cross the finish line. In these last few weeks, the seniors need to remember what they’re working for and do their best to stay motivated and work hard to achieve what they’ve been dreaming about since they were kids.